Be Perfect For Any Occasion with Sweety Batis Gray Contacts

Looking for something new for eye contacts? You can try our extraordinary eye lens, Sweety plus contacts. We will serve all about sweety plus eye contact, its product and some tips.

Sweety Plus contact is a real dream for all women who want to have a natural circle lens. It has so many varieties such as sweetybatis green, sweetybatis grey, sweety hydro colour grey, sweety pitchy brown, etc. However, we will not talk about all of them. We only provide you with one product which can make your look is more stylish. It is Sweety Batis Gray. Let’s go far more to know its design!

Sweety Batis Gray Design

Sweety Batis Gray lens Beauty Queen

It is made from a strong pigment, SweetyBatis Gray are developed with advanced technology in a laboratory. This specification is purposed to help you to stay in naturalness.

Moreover, sweety plus lens brand is also completed with a limbal ring which is aimed to improve your eyes look is natural. It has 14,5mm diameter and 38% of water content which will make you feel more hydrated all day. With the small lens size, people out of there will not realize that you are using a soft lens. Therefore, it is perfect and stylish for both light eyes and dark eyes. The most important thing is that Sweety Batis Gray has already had the medical certification that makes your eyes keep in safety.  So, for anyone who has not felt comfortable yet when using a soft lens, do not be worry guys!!! 


In short, there are some Sweety plus contacts brands that can be your option to beautify your look but, Sweety Batis Gray can be the way for all of you who want to have a beautiful and natural eye circle lenses. If you want to check more various contact lens, you can visit this link and get which suitable lenses for you!

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